Let's Play Wiki

TVSMC is an average Let's Player from California who started making Let's Plays in his spare time.  His style mostly consists of rambling and stories which cause the commentary to end up in silly places.

Explosion lucas

TVSMC's Profile picture.

  Made his debut with a Let's Play of Metroid Zero Mission and has made videos ever since.  He plays whatever games he wants to at the time.  He insists you do not watch his earlier Let's Plays and take them as the quality of his entire channel.

Current Let's Plays (As of 12/12/2013)

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

Pokemon Blue

Megaman Battle Network 4: Blue Moon

Completed Let's Plays

Metroid Zero Mission

Tep Oni

Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded

Cancelled or on Hiatus Let's Plays

Kirby's Dreamland 2 (Indefinate Hiatus)

The Witch's House (Cancelled)

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Sommoner 2 (Indefinate Hiatus)


"Norfair is NOrFAIR...  Get it?" - Metroid Zero Mission Part 2

"I'm not racist in my spare time" - Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded Part 21

"Feel free to fap to my voice" - Kirby's Dreamland 2 Part 8
